Large Scale AICO Fire Alarm System Installation

The customer, a large organization with 20 buildings, needed a good price to performance fire alarm system. After evaluating options, they chose the AICO Fire Alarm System due to its affordability. However, it lacked advanced features such as zones and remote triggering. To overcome this, we integrated the fire alarm system using AICO relay and external trigger modules to work with their existing building management system (BMS).

Aico heat alarm for kitchen

The AICO Relay Sense Module was used to connect the AICO Fire Alarm System to the BMS, while the AICO Trigger Module was modified to enable remote triggering of the fire alarms. With these modifications, we were able to add the missing advanced features while maintaining the system's affordability.

AICO sense relay board modified

The implementation was successful, and the customer was satisfied. The integration of the AICO Fire Alarm System with the BMS provided an affordable and effective fire alarm solution. As a result, the customer has recommended our solution to others in need of a similar setup.


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